
Friday, April 20, 2012

Good Morning Class... Today's Guest Speaker is...

Hologram of the late rapper Tupac in concert
I recently heard of stories on an actual performing Hologram of the late TupacShakur being used in Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre (famous west coast rappers from the early 90s) concerts.  Base on the blogs and online clips that I’ve seen, the reviews on this situation seem to be very mix. Some Tupac fans are fascinated by this type of technology being used and other concert goers seems to find it a bit eerie.

However this got me thinking, maybe holograms can possibly be the new form of innovative technology being introduced into the classroom in the near future. How cool would it be to have George Washington, Martin Luther King, Joseph Stalin, Williams Shakespeare, the real Queen Cleopatra of the Nile and countless other historical figures appear in front of the classroom telling students their story. Take a moment to ponder the thought of such innovation...

Of course the information the hologram figures would be saying will reflect that of a control curriculum set by school standards, but beside that can you image how attentive students might become with such use of technology.  Actual reports and studies of holograms being used in the classrooms does exist. In fact companies like Digital Domain Media Group have been actively working on developing hologram technology for various usages

 Similar to another situation there is always two or more sides to a discussion. I’ve read some articles that think this type of technology further threatens the jobs security of many teachers and classrooms will loss the person to person realistic interaction. On the other hand there is the benefit of science classes such as physics benefiting from this type of technology to do real life scenarios that may be too dangerous, expensive or difficult to perform in the classroom

Currently this type of technology is really far out from being used in the common k-12 classrooms, but yet again technical advancements seem to evolve every ten seconds. It might be here sooner than we know it.  I would love to hear some thoughts on this type of technology. Here are some links to various articles that I was able to find through a Google search.


  1. I've heard about stuff like this being used in concerts, it is pretty amazing!

    I really enjoyed reading this post. It kind of went along with what I was thinking about this week (futuristic technologies that could definitely happen) And you're absolutely right. If they could do a hologram of a music artist, they could certainly find a way to get historical figures in the classroom. The concern about teachers losing their jobs is perhaps, a valid one. However, teachers offer something that no hologram could ever give, and you mentioned it... People to People interaction. There is something about having a living, breathing individual there to support you as you learn that is irreplaceable. If a hologram was used a supplement rather than the framework for classrooms, they could be very beneficial.

    What do you think.. would you want this kind of technology in a classroom?

    Great post,
    Amy R.

    1. I think it would be a great addition to the classroom if it's used to enhance learning.

  2. I am so happy that you posted this, I wanted to see it so badly. I thought the same why this is the future. Do you remember on Star Trek the hologram were the computers.I knew then that one day this would be possible, just like the phones it our cell phones now. I wonder if we will get to transporting us from one place to the other like captain Kirk did. Thank you for the post very cool! Please incorporate this into your class. I think your kids are going to love having you as their teacher!!

    Tonga Ramseur

  3. My son showed me the video for this and it was scary! To see Tupac seem so alive gave me goose bumps. The thing I wonder is...if there is a hologram as a teacher in a classroom, wouldn't it have to be a person transmitting live video to be able to answer students' questions? If it is just a recording the "teacher" wouldn't be able to answer questions. So how can they help you? It would be like watching a video at home on YouTube without being able to interact with it. To me, of you can't talk to your teacher and ask him a question, then what is the point? I hope that holograms never replace teachers! Very interesting blog! I really enjoyed reading your comments and you really made me think about classrooms in the future!

    Larisa Kivett

  4. I am so glad you posted this! I think this post is genius :-) I would have never dreamed about holograms in the classroom until now. When I first saw the video of Tupac performing, it really gave me chills. At first, I thought it was real (his death has been in question), but when I was told it was a hologram, I was in complete shock! The level of detail was indescribable. With this in mind, I can honestly imagine holograms in future classrooms. I asked my sister (who is in high school) what she would do if she saw a hologram of Martin Luther King and she said she definitely wouldn’t blink! Even teachers could create holograms of their lessons! Now my mind is racing…Overall, great post!
